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  • Courtney Sayre

HSC 230: Week 5+6 Reflection

checking my Fitbit on the hike up Indian Head in the Adirondacks!

As the academic year progresses I am becoming more confident and founded in the opinions I hold regarding the general relationship technology has on our health.

feel that there are an unlimited amount of positively influential impacts technology can have on our lives. The possibilities are literally limitless, and Big Tech companies are proving this time and time again with their never-before-seen-heard-or thought-of advancements that come with every piece of technology that hits markets.

Our public and political policies are set to make a movement in a more technologically based direction. These movements are aimed to improve our health care system from a less effective, "trial and error" tactic, to a more preventative, forward-thinking medicinal system. These advancements in medical treatments are proposed to be based on one's genetic makeup, keeping in mind any predispositions or variations that may make them more susceptible to certain diseases, or respond better or worse to certain treatments. I am 100% in favor of this sort of shift in policy as I feel the impacts they will have on the health of our nation are profound and can only better our society.

With technologically derived research, diets are being designed to prevent heart disease, cancer, and diabetes more precise, individually personalized plan of care is something I can get totally behind. The science behind these advancements is incredible and in my opinion, very important. As someone who is considering a career in Nutrition, these sorts of advancements are very exciting and influential to my future career field.

Above is a video which speaks of the vast impact Big Data may have on the healthcare field, specifically the way in which our health insurance is handled. This, too, is a movement I can support as it will save those of us who live healthier lifestyles money while giving others the monetary incentive to do so.

Pictured below is a screenshot of a program designed to help people navigate the rules and regulations of Copyrighted material, a concept that will only grow more and more complex. This is an example of efforts made to assist people in understanding the process by which

These are all impacts I have become increasingly aware of throughout the progression of this class. In addition to all these things, I am confident that there are robotics, telecommunications, and industrial scientific developments made daily that I am incapable of even understanding the complexity of.

on our way up!

However, I remain strong in my belief that we should continue to get our exercise the good old-fashioned way. Going for a run outside, going for a walk around your local park, going for a bike ride in your neighborhood, or going for a hike! I do not think that we should allow technology to replace our other forms of exercise and self-care and take away from the natural environment the earth provides us. Instead, we should take full advantage of its beauty, and allow technology to enhance our experience of this process.

Instead, we should take full advantage of the Earth's beauty, and allow technology to enhance our experience here.

celebrating the summit, and our bodies for allowing us to reach it!

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